
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Peppermint Princess Emma Christmas Card

EEEEKKK! Christmas is just around the corner. I still have so much to do! 
Baking cookies, finish shopping, stuffing stockings, wrapping presents, send out Christmas cards...OH MY! If only I could slow time down a bit or maybe get a personal assistant to help. 

Speaking of Christmas cards. I have a super cute one to share with you today using Peppermint Princess Emma

Isn't she darling!?! I love her hair style. 

I colored Peppermint Princess Emma with my favorite coloring meduim...Copic markers. I was a little nervous about using so much red. I don't know why, but red is a hard color for me. It never really looks good to me. I was happy with how this turned out though. 

I found these tiny little Christmas ornaments in the dollar section at Target. They are adorable! And perfect for crafting. I have used them on a couple crafts already this season. 

Turquoise and red are not colors that I usually put together, but I have to say I'm loving it. I like working with non traditional Christmas color combos. 

Thank you for popping in for a visit. Hope you all have a craftastic day!
                             Tina Goodwin DT


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